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Take Action: Blood Donors and Blood Drives Needed

(Houston, TX)— Action is Needed! Gulf Coast Regional Blood Center is calling on our community to donate blood or host a blood drive to help maintain an adequate supply and prevent shortages in our area. The nation's blood supply is currently under significant strain, with a need for platelets, O-positive, and O-negative blood. Recent reports reveal that the U.S. blood reserves are falling to concerning levels, with many blood collection organizations facing shortages. The blood community is urging eligible individuals nationwide to donate blood or platelets as soon as possible.


Blood donations are essential for a wide range of medical treatments, including surgeries, trauma care, cancer treatments, and chronic illnesses. Every day, the 170 hospitals in a 26-county area that we serve need 1,000 blood donations from donors in our community to treat patients. Maintaining a stable and adequate supply is crucial for patient care, as blood has a limited shelf life and must be continually replenished to ensure it is available for all patients in need.


The summer months have been a challenge for Gulf Coast Regional Blood Center this year. With schools out of session and many families on vacation, blood donations tend to decrease. Additionally, natural disasters, such as heavy flooding and Hurricane Beryl, have disrupted our blood collection efforts, which can lead to shortages that can potentially put lives at risk. But the need for blood remains constant.


“As we face the challenges of summer and recent disruptions, our community must come together and ensure we have a steady supply of blood,” said Nikhil Nayak, President and Chief Executive Officer at Gulf Coast Regional Blood Center.  “Every blood donation helps keep our local hospitals equipped to provide critical care for patients in need. Donating blood or hosting a drive plays a key role in preventing shortages and supporting those who depend on us most.”


How You Can Help:


  1. Donate Blood: Currently, our community needs all blood types to help treat patients in area hospitals. If you feel healthy, please make an appointment to donate blood. It is safe and easy, and our community needs it now. To find a location for donation, please visit


  1. Host a Blood Drive: Gulf Coast Regional Blood Center is also looking for businesses, community groups, and churches to host a blood drive in their community. Hosting a blood drive is free, and it can impact the lives of many. For more information, visit


We ask the community to respond to the urgent call to action by donating blood and hosting a blood drive to support our healthcare system today and prevent shortages. Your actions can make a significant difference and ensure every patient receives the lifesaving blood they need.


Gulf Coast Regional Blood Center is the sole provider of blood and blood components 24/7 to more than 170 hospitals and health care facilities in a 26-county Texas Gulf Coast region. Gulf Coast Regional Blood Center is a nonprofit organization and is accredited by the Food and Drug Administration. For more information or to help save lives, visit  

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