All materials designed to represent Gulf Coast Regional Blood Center should reflect our mission of partnering with the community to help save and sustain lives by providing a safe supply of blood, biotherapies and related services.
The following page outlines our look and feel, and provides guidelines to help you design, produce and communicate about our brand.
Our Colors
Primary Color
Gulf Coast Regional Blood Center's primary color is Gulf Coast Blue. The consistent use of this color stimulates brand association and accelerates differentiation. Over time, this color becomes a recognizable identifier for the company.

Secondary Colors
The secondary colors broaden the palette that may be used to provide variety and visual interest in all aspects of design, including advertisements, websites, digital media, print material and outdoor signage.

Tertiary Colors
Though the tertiary colors are not used often, they are still useful in adding diversity to the palette. As a general rule of thumb, the tertiary colors can be used for 10% of a design's color palette.

Our Logos
The effective use of our logo helps us spread the word and strengthen our relationship with the community we serve.
The logos may be reversed to all white when applied to dark backgrounds or photographs. When using the white versions, you must ensure that the background color is dark enough to provide enough contrast for clarity and legibility.
Download our logos by clicking on the logo below. Each download contains a zip with an EPS, JPG, and PNG version of the logo.
Our Fonts
Proxima Nova Condensed is our primary font. Sentinel and Brandon Text are our secondary fonts. These fonts are used by our visual designers and should be applied whenever possible.