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Although Gulf Coast Regional Blood Center has been recognized for providing exceptional client testing services since 1987, Your Lab was created in 2006 to reflect our renewed focus on providing a viable alternative for organizations looking to outsource their donor center and/or transfusion service testing. Your Lab offers a full spectrum of routine and highly complex testing services to provide your patients or donors with the utmost in quality patient care.

Your Lab and Gulf Coast Regional Blood Center integrates quality assurance activities into all daily operations involved with blood product manufacture and patient care. Our Quality System describes current practices used to guide the development of the process for operations system reviews as well as the coordination of all standards and practices pertinent to quality assurance activities. Gulf Coast is dedicated to allocating the resources to develop and maintain a quality system that complies with the requirements and regulations of the Food and Drug Administration and the American Association of Blood Banks.

Your Lab employs the most efficient modern technology and offers clients the option of customized testing solutions to fit their particular needs. Focusing on quality processes, turn-around-time and exceptional customer service, Your Lab is committed to providing clients with the service they would expect from their own in-house laboratory.

Current clients include hospital transfusion services, medical reference laboratories, organ and bone marrow transplant centers, blood centers, pharmaceutical and medical device manufacturers, etc. A list of references is available upon request.

Benefits of partnering with Your Lab include:

  • Rapid turn-around time
  • 24/7/365* and multiple-shift testing schedules. *With the exception of Thanksgiving and Christmas
  • Customized logistics to meet unique turnaround needs
  • Expert MIS assistance and support
  • Experienced support for audits

We invite you to learn more about the innovative products and services Your Lab can offer your organization and our team of professionals who’ve made Your Lab the laboratory of choice for customers valuing efficiency, accuracy, competitive pricing and exemplary customer service.

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